Native Cow Husbandry Promotion Scheme – बिहार देशी गौपालन प्रोत्साहन योजना

Native Cow Husbandry Promotion Scheme - बिहार देशी गौपालन प्रोत्साहन योजना

The Bihar government has implemented the Native Cow Husbandry Promotion Scheme for the citizens of the state. Through this scheme, the government gives grants to the cattle farmers of the state for rearing indigenous cows, so that the beneficiaries can be motivated to take advantage of the scheme. How to get the benefit of Desi … Read more

Desi Gaupalan Protsahan Yojana – बिहार देशी गौपालन प्रोत्साहन योजना

Bihar Desi Gaupalan Protsahan Yojana

Introduction The Bihar government has implemented the Desi Gaupalan Protsahan Yojana for the citizens of the state. Through this scheme, a grant is given by the government to the cattle rearers of the state for rearing indigenous (Desi) cows, so that the beneficiaries can be motivated to take advantage of the scheme. How to get … Read more

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